Catholic Evangelization Outreach – Our Mission:

To know and follow Christ and help others do the same.

Evangelization Goal: To re-energize those who currently participate in our faith and to welcome back those who have drifted away. To encourage a deeper relationship with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Why Evangelize?

We are commanded by Christ to evangelize. Just as St. John Paul II said, “It is not enough for us to receive Jesus Christ ourselves; we must also bring him to others”. Pope Benedict XVI said, “Discipleship and mission are like the two sides of a single coin: when the disciple is in love with Christ, he cannot stop proclaiming to the world that only in Him do we find salvation.” He continued, “Why do we want to be Disciples of Christ? The answer is: because, in communion with Him, we hope to find life that is worthy of the name, and thus we want to make Him known to others, to communicate to them the gift that we have found in Him.”

What CEO Does:


Mary Pederson, Director of Faith Formation for the Archdiocese of Dubuque tells what CEO does and how it is connects people to parish ministries: