by Ed Faber | Mar 3, 2017 | Commentary, The Fish Fry Fanatic
Lent is a time of repentance, self-denial and preparation of Easter, the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The ashes we receive on Ash Wednesday are an outward sign of our inward act of repentance. Jesus fasted in the desert for 40 days and nights. One of the small ways...
by Ed Faber | Jan 15, 2017 | Commentary
By Pete Mathison When is the last time you did a Christian retreat? Have you ever done a Christian retreat. I have noticed in life that anytime we find a new restaurant that we love, or a movie that we think everyone should see, or a vacation spot that we know our...
by Ed Faber | Jan 4, 2017 | Commentary
Heavenly Father, In this time of new beginnings, We recall how the heavens celebrated the birth of a new born baby wrapped in swaddling clothes in a manager. We think back to His humble beginnings and recall the obstacles and challenges He faced in life. At this time...
by crcatholicoutreach | Jun 10, 2016 | Commentary
Ask Jesus to remove any worry By Jason Hartwig Who remembers this popular 80’s song by Bobby McFerrin? It’s such a catchy a capella song which always puts a smile in my face. But these lyrics are easier sung than actually putting into practice…...
by crcatholicoutreach | Dec 1, 2015 | Commentary
“If He brings you to it, He will bring you through it” By Denise Upah When I was first asked to give the CEO talk, all I could wonder was, “Why me? On What?” I am just a quiet person, trying to do and be the best I can. I even had a friend that has...
by Ed Faber | Nov 20, 2015 | Commentary
Catholic Evangelization really isn’t as oxymoronic as it might sound! After all we have been evangelizing since Jesus sent his disciples “to proclaim the kingdom of God.” We are simply friends talking with friends and sharing our own, personal...