Gineal Schrunk – March, 2020

Gineal Schrunk – March, 2020

God, What Do I Do With My Life? Gineal Schrunk Gineal Schrunk is a history teacher at Xavier High School. She will share how God has guided her in answering one of the most pressing questions of youth: “What will I do with my life?” Through her fumbling’s, she learned...
Sister Mary Lechtenberg – October, 2019

Sister Mary Lechtenberg – October, 2019

Crossing Thresholds as a Sister of St. Francis of Dubuque Sister Mary Lechtenberg, OSF How often we find ourselves at the edge of a decision. Some are insignificant; many are very important. We’ve all been there. Sister Mary served as the Pastoral Associate at Saint...
Dr. Patrice Winkel – January, 2019

Dr. Patrice Winkel – January, 2019

My Lifeguard Walks on Water Dr. Patrice Winkel Dr. Patrice Winkel is a wife, mother, teacher, and SURVIVOR. She has journeyed through thyroid cancer, three “freak” car accidents, a traumatic brain injury, a branchial cleft cyst, and most recently a rogue wave that...
Russel Yount – May 2018

Russel Yount – May 2018

Is God Really Calling Me to be Catholic Russel Yount Russell Yount was content and comfortable in his spiritual life… and then a conversation with a neighbor sparked his interest in the Catholic faith. His investigation became a journey that led him home to the “One,...
Dcn. John Winkel – Feb. 2018

Dcn. John Winkel – Feb. 2018

God Changes Star Athelete’s Plan Dcn. John Winkel John Winkel wanted the FAME of playing professional football. As a star wide receiver at Peru State, John was approached by 10 teams and told by many he would be drafted. Disappointingly he was not drafted,...