Upcoming February Witness - Rita & Rich Coates

“The challanges of raising a large family – and keeping them involved with our Faith”

Rita & Rich Coates will share how the Lord and their faith has guided them through many joys and challenges in their life together. Through infertility, homeschooling, daily challenges and their 33 Day Consecration to Mary and Joseph they have persevered and taught their children the importance of being Catholic.  Join us for mass at 5:30 pm, and stay for a wonderful evening of fellowship as Rita & Rich share the importance of keeping Christ the focus of their family.

The event will be held at  St. Matthews Catholic Church on Tuesday, February 11th from 6:30-8:00.

The event is FREE and ALL are welcome.  A light meal will be served.  Child care is not available.

Livestream: https://youtube.com/live/-FzTnLS30P4?feature=share

January Witness - Jason Dole

“One Body –  Unity in an Individualized World”

Listen as Jason Dole shares his experience of how his community, friends, and the Saints have drawn him into the Catholic Church.   Jason is a husband, father of four kids and has been a parishioner at St. Jude for five years.  Jason is the LaSalle Middle  School PE teacher!

The event occurred e at St. Jude Catholic Church on Tuesday, January 21st from 6:00 – 7:30pm.

Livestream: CEO Livestream with Jason Dole – YouTube

Share your Witness Story

We are excited to start a new season of CRCEO.  A new season means powerful witnesses, plus the opportunity to bring your own story to someone who may be struggling with their faith journey.   As we know from scripture, “The Harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few”.  Your witness can make the difference.  Please use the Contact Us menu selection (above) to share your story.

Who we are...

Catholic Evangelization really isn’t as oxymoronic as it might sound! After all we have been evangelizing since Jesus sent his disciples “to proclaim the kingdom of God.” We are simply friends talking with friends and sharing our own, personal witness of Jesus Christ. How we have come to know Him and how He continues to be part of our lives.

Welcome to CR CEO
We invite you to join us at any of our events, or to visit our parishes here in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. If you can’t find answers to your questions, or want a copy of one of the Videos,  feel free to reach out through our contact form here. We welcome new members to CR CEO, and we look forward to connecting you to the local Catholic community.

Contact us

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